Residuals for Breakfast

Granville Matheson: Data Person

Creating an API for 4.2M texts with tidytext, RSQLite, dbplyr and plumber

a.k.a. A foray into data engineering

It turns out, even simple metrics are much more difficult to calculate, if you have lots and lots of data

Nonlinear Modelling using nls, nlme and brms

a.k.a. When straight lines don't provide enough of a thrill any longer

A brief demonstration to grok the syntax for fitting the same model using nonlinear least squares, and frequentist and Bayesian multilevel modelling

Pharmacokinetic Modelling of PET Data in R using kinfitr. Part 1: Theory.

A brief theoretical background.

a.k.a. Let me tell you why you this is cool

Pharmacokinetic Modelling of PET Data in R using kinfitr. Part 2: Basics and Iteration

Basic usage and how best to iterate.

a.k.a. Let's take this baby for a test-drive

Pharmacokinetic Modelling of PET Data in R using kinfitr. Part 3: Finding tstar

How to interpret the tstar finder outputs.

a.k.a. Admire my busy graphs